Beach Road

Beach Road

In 2019 GV8 (trading as BPG3 at the time) was engaged by Maxol to assess the daylight sunlight levels associated with a proposed development in Sandymount, Dublin 4. The proposed development related principally to the delivery of 112 apartments organised within a six-storey building block.

Located on a tight urban site in close proximity to a schools and residences, one of the key challenges faced was the need to maximise the housing offer that could be delivered with the need to minimise the impact registering on neighbouring properties.

Having been engaged at an early stage on this project GV8 was able to provide John Fleming Architects with the information they needed to identify an optimal development envelope for this site. On this project GV8 employed detailed supplementary testing to investigate the significance of some of the residual impacts identified in primary testing. The results from this supplementary testing provided confidence that reasonable levels of internal daylight would remain available to neighbouring accommodation with the proposed development in place.

Key Services Provided Included:

• Vertical Sky Component (VSC) testing to assess loss of skylight access to neighbouring accommodation.

• Annual Probable Sunlight Hours (APSH) testing to assess the loss of sunlight to neighbouring accommodation.

• Sun on Ground (SOG) testing to assess the loss of sunlight to neighbouring recreation spaces.

• Supplementary Average Daylight Factor (ADF) testing of neighbouring accommodation

• Production of supplementary shadow casting imagery.

• Average Daylight Factor (ADF) testing of all accommodation within the proposed development

• Sunlight access testing for all units within the proposed development

• Sun on Ground (SOG) testing of all proposed recreation spaces

Having reviewed GV8’s assessment of light levels within the proposed development the Board’s Inspector concluded that:

“I am satisfied that the design and layout of the scheme has been fully considered alongside relevant sunlight and daylighting factors. The standards achieved, when considering all site factors and the requirement to secure comprehensive urban regeneration of this accessible and serviced site within the Dublin City area with a positive and active urban edge, in accordance with national policy guidance, are in my opinion acceptable and will result in an acceptable level of residential amenity for future occupants.”

Having reviewed GV8’s assessment of impact to neighbouring properties the Boards Inspector concluded that:

“The submitted details are noted. From the available information, all residential units will continue to receive good daylight and the proposed development will not result in a reduction of residential amenity to an unacceptable level. Overall, the assessment indicates that good compliance with BRE guidance is achieved.”

An Bord Pleanála granted permission for this development in September 2021.

Beach Road, Dublin 4
112 units
Maxol Property Ltd.
John Fleming
Planning Agent:
Tom Philips Associates
PLANNING status:
ABP Granted 2021

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Are you at the early stage of a sites development? GV8 has the expertise and tools needed to quickly identify the design outlines that your site could support. Please get in touch at any stage to book a free preliminary, no strings attached, consultation.

Book a Presentation

Having specialised in this field of practice for over ten years GV8 has a deep understanding of daylight standards and their interaction with planning policy. Please get in touch if you would like GV8 to deliver a talk to the members of your organisation.