Dawson Hotel

Dawson Hotel

In 2018 GV8 (trading as BPG3 at the time) was engaged by Tetrarch Capital to assess the daylight sunlight levels associated with a proposed development on Dawson Street. The proposed development related principally to the delivery of 117 bedroom spaces and associated amenities.  

Located in the heart of the city and within a historic conservation area one of the key challenges faced was the need to demonstrate the protected structures both within and adjacent to the development site would not unduly impacted. Central to this exercise was the need to understand the uses associated with all the neighbouring properties. To this end GV8 worked closely with MDO to conduct a survey and detailed investigation of all neighbouring properties. With this base survey in hand it was then possible to tailor the scope and depth of the daylight testing to address the needs of both the client and local council.

Key Services Provided Included:

• Vertical Sky Component (VSC) testing to assess loss of skylight access to neighbouring accommodation.

• Annual Probable Sunlight Hours (APSH) testing to assess the loss of sunlight to neighbouring accommodation.

• Sun on Ground (SOG) testing to assess the loss of sunlight to neighbouring recreation spaces.

• Production of supplementary shadow casting imagery.

Having reviewed GV8’s assessment of impact to neighbouring properties the local authority concluded that:

“The analysis has found that while it has not been possible to demonstrate full compliance with the BRE guidelines targets for skylight impact at all of the points analysed, it is possible to conclude that the proposed development demonstrates substantial levels of compliance with the BRE guidelines. Full compliance has been demonstrated at 16 out of 17 points. In the singular case where full compliance was not feasible departure from target was found to be minor in magnitude. It can be concluded therefore that the proposed development is unlikely to have a significant negative overshadowing impact on adjoining properties.”

Dublin City Council granted permission for this development in July 2019.

Dawson Street, Dublin 2
117 units
Tetrarch Capital
Planning Agent:
PLANNING status:
DCC Granted 2019

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Are you at the early stage of a sites development? GV8 has the expertise and tools needed to quickly identify the design outlines that your site could support. Please get in touch at any stage to book a free preliminary, no strings attached, consultation.

Book a Presentation

Having specialised in this field of practice for over ten years GV8 has a deep understanding of daylight standards and their interaction with planning policy. Please get in touch if you would like GV8 to deliver a talk to the members of your organisation.