The Frascati Centre

In 2017 GV8 (trading as BPG3 at the time) was engaged by Gresham House to assess the daylight sunlight levels associated with the first phase of a residential expansion to the existing shopping centre in Blackrock. GV8 was subsequently engaged in 2019 and 2021 to support Phase 2 and 3 of the expansion respectively. All phases combined the proposal is pitched to deliver 184 high quality apartments in this attractive seaside location.
With development progressing in multiple phases over a number of years, a key consideration which featured in this project was the need to carefully select the baselines in each of the component studies and also to fully account for cumulative impacts where possible.
GV8 worked through a number of design studies with Reddy Architecture and Urbanism over the course of this developments lifespan to help maximise the compliance levels that could be presented in the final planning documents.
Key Services Provided Included:
• Vertical Sky Component (VSC) testing to assess loss of skylight access to neighbouring accommodation.
• Annual Probable Sunlight Hours (APSH) testing to assess the loss of sunlight to neighbouring accommodation.
• Sun on Ground (SOG) testing to assess the loss of sunlight to neighbouring recreation spaces.
• Production of supplementary shadow casting imagery.
• Average Daylight Factor (ADF) testing
• Sunlight access testing for all units within the proposed development
• Sun on Ground (SOG) testing of all proposed recreation spaces
Having reviewed GV8’s assessment of impact to neighbouring properties the Board’s planning inspector concluded that:
“Concerns have been raised by appellants with regard to the impact of the development from the perspective of sunlight and daylight loss. The applicant has prepared a very detailed assessment, entitled Daylight Impact Report and prepared by BPG3 (Dr Rory Walsh – Daylight Assessment Specialist), to which the planning authority raise no concerns of note.”
“The Sunlight, Daylight and Overshadowing analysis submitted by the applicant provides sufficient information to assess the proposal in terms of the daylight, sunlight and overshadowing impact of the development on existing development adjoining the site, which is all residential in nature. The information on file demonstrates that existing dwellings will have access to sufficient levels of daylight and sunlight post development of the site as proposed and amended by further information. The level of overshadowing generated by the development in relation to adjoining properties does not give rise for concern. This is because the overall design, scale, orientation and pattern of proposed development has had sufficient regard to the existing pattern of development in the area and is a continuation of established development patterns.”
An Bord Pleanála granted permission for the last phase of this development in May 2023.
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Having specialised in this field of practice for over ten years GV8 has a deep understanding of daylight standards and their interaction with planning policy. Please get in touch if you would like GV8 to deliver a talk to the members of your organisation.