Binary Hub

Binary Hub

In 2013 GV8 (trading as Aurea Consult at the time) was engaged by the Knightsbridge Student Housing to consider the daylight sunlight levels associated with a proposed development at the Digital Hub campus, Dublin 8. The proposed development related principally to the delivery of 100 student clusters within two blocks ranging in height from 5 to 10 storeys.

GV8 provided inputs at Further Information stage which allayed concerns regarding internal daylight levels within the units at lower levels.

Having reviewed GV8’s input regarding light levels within the proposed development the local authority concluded that:

“Having considered that the report by Aurea with the resulting amendment to window sizes at lower levels, when taken together with the fact that a broadly similar scheme was approved by ABP previously, and bearing mind the orientation of the proposal in relation to nearby properties (with a potentially greater shadow to the north over a local park) it is concluded that the concerns which gave rise to this RFI have been addressed.”

Digital Hub, Dublin 8
100 units
KSH Europe Holdings
O'Mahony Pike
Planning Agent:
John Spain Associates
PLANNING status:
DCC Granted 2014

Let's Talk

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Are you at the early stage of a sites development? GV8 has the expertise and tools needed to quickly identify the design outlines that your site could support. Please get in touch at any stage to book a free preliminary, no strings attached, consultation.

Book a Presentation

Having specialised in this field of practice for over ten years GV8 has a deep understanding of daylight standards and their interaction with planning policy. Please get in touch if you would like GV8 to deliver a talk to the members of your organisation.